Going to the Doctor’s Office ‣ Treinar Fala + Audição em Inglês

Week 1 Going to the doctors office - exercícios de inglês


atividades falar e treinar inglês


1) Falas do personagem Joe

✅ Pratique as falas e entre na conversa na parte 2 do vídeo


a) Hexxo Dr. Portman.

Hello Dr. Portman.


b) I xx not feeling well xxese last cxxple of days.


c) I haxx been having xxxdaches, also fevxx and a sore xxroat.


d) About two xxys ago.


e) I don’t kxxx, just feeling bxx.


f) Runny noxx.


g) No, nxxx of that.


h) A litxxx sneezing.


i) Aaaah


j) What do xxx think xx is, doctor?


k) Don’t you thxxx it could xx Coronavirus?


l) How xx you know?


m) That xx not necexxxxy doctor.


2) Falas do personagem Dr. Portman

✅ Pratique as falas e entre na conversa na parte 3 do vídeo


a) Hello, Joe. Whxx brings yxx here todxx?

Hello, Joe. What brings you here today?


b) Whxx seems to xx the problem?


c) Ok. When dxx it start?


d) Right. Do yxx have axx other symptoms?


e) Cough? Stomachxxxx? Vomit? Congxxxxx or runny noxx?


f) Fatigxx? Loss of appexxxx? Dixxxhea?


g) Sxxxzing? Shortnxxx of breaxx? Loxx of taste or smexx?


h) I see. Let me xxxe a look at xxxr throat. Coxxx you please oxxx your mouth and xxy 'ah'?


i) I'm goxxx to auscultate you now. Woxxx you breathe in… Hoxx it… Now, xxxathe out.


j) I think xx is a cxxxon flu. All you hxxx to do is xx home and sxxx in bed until it xxxs better. Also, xxxnk lots of water.


k) It xxxsn’t seem so.


l) Becaxxx the symptoms of coronavirus xxxely include sneezing or a rxxxing nose. Also, patixxxx with coronavirus usuaxxx lose appetite or the xxxse of smell or have a dxx cough and respiratory xxxblems. But if you wxxx to be certain, I cxx provide you the txxt.




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