6 Exercícios de Inglês Verb TO BE

exercícios de inglês verb to be

Muitas pessoas estão começando a estudar inglês online agora por conta própria, aproveitando toda esta praticidade que o mundo digital tem potencial de oferecer.

Muitas vezes o problema é não saber por onde começar, e no caso do inglês a nossa dica é que você comece com o famoso verbo TO BE. Os exercícios abaixo estão lhe ajudando a fixar o conteúdo explicativo.

Acesse também a página explicativa do tópico.


praticar inglês


1) Selecione a forma correta do Verbo To Be para preencher as frases.


a) I _____ Brazilian and I live in Curitiba.


b) _____ you talking to me?


c) What _____ Sheila doing?


d) My dog _____ playing in the garden.


e) The doors _____ closed.


2) Consegue Colocar as Palavras na Ordem Certa usando o Verbo TO BE adequado?


a) you / XX / happy / ?

Are you happy?


b) XX / he / from / Brazil


c) they / at / XX / school


d) it / cold / outside / XX


e) the / books / on / XX / table


f) my / XX / friends / very / nice


g) the / weather / nice / XX / today


h) XX / why / you / so / late / today / ?


i) XX / children / playing / the / in / park / the


j) for / the / concert / we / XX / all / excited


k) at / the / museum / the / new / exhibition / XX


l) in / the / spring / XX / beautiful / always / Paris


3) Analise e selecione as formas corretas para completar as frases:


a) I _____ from England and Erika _____ from Japan.


b) My friend _____ a doctor and my brothers _____ lawyers.


c) _____ Kelly crying or _____ Phillip?


d) My mother _____ making a party and Susan and Gregory _____ invited to join.


e) It _____ raining outside, but the kids _____ playing there, while I _____ here inside.


4) Passe as frases para a forma negativa (use as formas contraídas):


a) Kevin is playing soccer.

Kevin isn’t playing soccer.


b) Deborah and Clark are getting engaged.


c) I am planning my future.


d) The girls are studying English.


e) The houses are all painted in blue.


5) Passe as frases para a forma interrogativa:


a) I am correct about it.

Am I correct about it?


b) You are the teacher's son.


c) The cellphone is brand new.


d) Antonina city is really beautiful.


e) Americans are patriots.


6) Corrija os erros: Verb To Be Atividades


a) What is you doing here?

What are you doing here?


b) I is doing an very good job in the company.


c) Ketty and Kelly is sister.


d) The cat are black and withe.


e) I don't now where we am.


f) The books are in to the table.


g) Mine friends are very nices.


h) The weathers are nice today.


O verbo TO BE está sempre presente na rotina dos estudantes de inglês, então aproveite o momento para praticar ao máximo com os exercícios propostos acima.

Ao conferir as respostas, busque identificar os pontos que precisa melhorar e volte a fazer atividades futuramente. Não esqueça de compartilhar o material com seus amigos nas redes sociais!



🔔 Play x Come x Throw x Toss x Touch x Dump⇗

🔔 Many – Much – A lot of – Lots of – A lot⇗

🔔 Between x Among x Amidst x Middle x Half⇗




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