4 Exercícios Man x Men e Women x Woman

exercícios de inglês man x men e women x woman

Nos dias atuais aprender inglês é com toda certeza um dos objetivos de muita gente. E são várias as razões pelas quais as pessoas querem aprender esse idioma.

Então para te ajudar nesse processo de aprendizado, selecionamos algumas atividades sobre o conteúdo Man e Men / Women e Woman. E se você quiser conferir primeiramente o post explicativo clique aqui, pois irá te auxiliar a resolvê-los mais facilmente.


praticar inglês


1) Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence:

• John is a serious ________ .

a) ( ?????? ) man
b) ( ?????? ) men
c) ( ?????? ) woman
d) ( ?????? ) women


• Susan is a sensitive ________ .

a) ( ?????? ) man
b) ( ?????? ) men
c) ( ?????? ) woman
d) ( ?????? ) women


• Those ________ came out of the house running.

a) ( ?????? ) man
b) ( ?????? ) men
c) ( ?????? ) woman
d) ( ?????? ) women


• That ________ is a friend of mine.

a) ( ?????? ) man
b) ( ?????? ) men
c) ( ?????? ) woman
d) ( ?????? ) women


• I don’t know who are those ________.

a) ( ?????? ) man
b) ( ?????? ) men
c) ( ?????? ) woman
d) ( ?????? ) women


• The _________ who called me is my uncle.

a) ( ?????? ) man
b) ( ?????? ) men
c) ( ?????? ) woman
d) ( ?????? ) women


• That _________ is pregnant.

a) ( ?????? ) man
b) ( ?????? ) men
c) ( ?????? ) woman
d) ( ?????? ) women


• Who is that beautiful _________?

a) ( ?????? ) man
b) ( ?????? ) men
c) ( ?????? ) woman
d) ( ?????? ) women


• My wife is a very beautiful _________.

a) ( ?????? ) man
b) ( ?????? ) men
c) ( ?????? ) woman
d) ( ?????? ) women


• My grandfather was a rich _________.

a) ( ?????? ) man
b) ( ?????? ) men
c) ( ?????? ) woman
d) ( ?????? ) women


2) Consegue Colocar as Palavras na Ordem Escrevendo a opção Certa? Man, Men, Women, Woman


a) is / womXn / that / who / ?

Who is that woman?


b) mXn / the / are / who / ?


c) a / mXn / my / is / father


d) mXn / is / he / a / young


e) womXn / are / these / who / ?


f) is / a / teacher / she / womXn


g) mXn / the / are / where / from / ?


h) mXn / many / there / are / how / ?


i) talking / to / womXn / the / am / I


j) me / this / mXn / helped / lot / a


k) in / mXn / the / room / are / two / there


l) womXn / meeting / the / are / in / many / how / ?


m) womXn / young / these / are / very / successful /


3) Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Pay attention and interpret the sentence.


a) There were two working, and one was John.


b) Is this a 's shirt, because it's very large for me.


c) What's that doing in the male bathroom?


d) are not allowed to work in some countries of the world.


e) A ________ can marry another ________ if he wants to. (homem)


4) Pass the sentences to English:


a) Os homens estavam correndo.

The men were running.


b) O homem não respeitou a mulher.


c) As mulheres gostaram do resultado.


d) Essa pessoa é homem ou mulher?


e) Os professores são homens ou mulheres?


O que achou dos exercícios sobre Man e Men / Women e Woman? Bem fáceis, não é mesmo? Então continue o seu processo de aprendizagem da língua acessando outros posts para aprender sempre conteúdos novos. Lets’go?



🔔 Too Also As Well – Atividades⇗

🔔 Usar Man e Men | Women e Woman⇗

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