4 Exercícios Pronomes Reflexivos em Inglês

exercícios de inglês pronomes reflexivos

Olá querido aluno! Você vai praticar hoje algo importante da língua inglesa. Preparei abaixo exercícios práticos que irão te ajudar de imediato a dominar os pronomes reflexivos nas diversas situações do dia a dia. Está pronto(a)? Vamos lá!


praticar inglês


1) Consegue Colocar as Palavras na Ordem Certa? Pronomes Reflexivos em Inglês


a) herself / She / looks / at / the / mirror. / in

She looks at herself in the mirror.


b) himself / He / can / support


c) ourselves. / We / can / enjoy / the / party


d) cat / itself / The / cleans


e) themselves / They / taught / English


f) do / you / yourself / believe / in / ?


g) herself / she / bought / present / a


h) yourself / can / express / you


i) ourselves / treat / to / the / we / movies


j) the / phone / turned / itself / off


k) themselves / they / hurt / playing / while


l) talk / to / myself / sometimes / I


2) Corrija os Erros Gramaticais! Exercícios de Inglês com Pronomes Reflexivos


a) She look heself at the miror.

She looks at herself in the mirror.


b) He can supports hirself.


c) We can enjoys the partie ourself.


d) The cat cleans itselve.


e) They teached themselv English.


f) You believes in yourself?


g) She buyed herself an present.


h) You can expres you self.


i) We treats ourself to the movies.


j) The phonne turned it self off.


k) They hurt theyselves while play.


l) I sometimes talks to me.


3) Atividades com Pronomes Reflexivos em Inglês. Escreva a Pergunta Óbvia para a Frase


a) She looks at herself in the mirror. ( Who…)

Who looks at herself in the mirror?


b) He can support himself. ( Who...)


c) We can enjoy the party ourselves. ( Who...)


d) The cat cleans itself. ( What...)


e) They taught themselves English. ( Who...)


f) Do you believe in yourself? ( Who...)


g) She bought herself a present. ( Who...)


h) You can express yourself. ( Who...)


i) We treat ourselves to the movies. ( Who...)


j) The phone turned itself off. ( What...)


k) They hurt themselves while playing. ( Who...)


l) I sometimes talk to myself. ( Who...)


4) Pratique seu Vocabulário de Inglês com Pronomes Reflexivos Completando as Frases


a) I sxx myxxxx xx the mirror every xxrning.

I see myself in the mirror every morning.


b) She bouxxx herself a gift for hxx birthxxx.


c) He xx proud of xxxself for winning the xxxxetition.


d) They xxuipped xxxxselves with new skills xxxing the lockdown.


e) You should xxxxys believe in xxxxxxlf.


f) We xxxpared the dinner xxxxxxxes.


g) The cat xxx entertain xxxelf all day long.


h) Can you please introduce xxxxxxlf?


i) They are looking xxxxard to enjoying xxxxxxxves on their vacation.


j) I am txxxng to improve xxxxlf every day.


k) Please, make xxxxxxlf xx home.


l) They xxx proud of xxxxxxxxes for volunteering.


Parabéns por completar esses exercícios sobre reflexive pronouns! A prática leva até a perfeição, então continue usando os pronomes reflexivos sempre que possível, por exemplo, praticando com chatbot online. Até a próxima aula!



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