Linking Words 4 Atividades

exercícios de inglês linking words

Olá, bem vindo(a)! As atividades estão abaixo.

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praticar inglês


1) Complete as sentenças com os linking words mais adequados

as well as
even so


A) He is handsome. , he isn’t smart.


B) We know each other, we are not friends.


C) they said they would go, they didn’t appear.


D) considering your important position, I disagree with you.


E) She is brilliant beautiful.


F) There are important evidence to support this argument. , physicists have been discussing this for a long time.


G) I can't finish this report until tomorrow. , we won’t have time to discuss it in the meeting.


H) We weren’t willing to go. , we went to the party.


2) Conecte os linking words com seus sinônimos mais próximos.

Lembre-se: os sinônimos podem ser usados de formas diferentes, mas expressam a mesma ideia.


1️⃣ However                           ???? Like

2️⃣ Nevertheless                   ???? Notwithstanding

3️⃣ Moreover                         ???? Even so

4️⃣ Despite                            ???? Furthermore

5️⃣ Thus                                ???? Differently

6️⃣ As well as                        ???? But 

7️⃣ Too                                  ???? Therefore

8️⃣ Otherwise                       ???? Likewise


3) Reescreva as sentenças usando duas linking words para tornar os histórias mais claras e coesas.

Esse é um exercício com várias respostas corretas. Compare as suas com as nossas sugestões.


A) We used to be good friends. We are not anymore. I guess I can’t trust her. She betrayed me and my family.
We used to be good friends. However, we are not anymore. I guess I can’t trust her since she betrayed me and my family.


B) I like my cats a lot. They are stinky. Yesterday they escaped from the house we live. They stayed outside all night long.


C) The traffic is unsustainable. The city is crowded. People are here because of the holiday. They are disturbing those who really live in the city.


D) They are important to this field of study. I disagree with them. We speak from different perspectives. Our data are the same. The results are quite different.


E) My friend called me. She said yesterday in the afternoon she was at the park. Yesterday in the afternoon I was looking for her.


F) Prof. Hoston gave me an A in the final exam. I sent him an email saying I was pleased with the results. Working with him is something I would really appreciate.


G) We needed help with our garden. I called a gardener to help us. The garden is still a mess.


H) He is upset. He was fired from his work. He had an argument with his boss before he left the company.


4) Passe este pequeno texto para o inglês.


Eu tenho viajado pelo mundo. Em resumo, eu gosto dessas experiências. Enquanto algumas pessoas gostam de estabilidade, prefiro enfrentar os riscos do desconhecido.

Além disso, as viagens ampliam as perspectivas nos colocando em contato com outras maneiras de viver. Da mesma forma, nos colocamos em contato com nossos próprios desejos e limites, nos empurrando para frente.

Apesar das viagens exigirem algum investimento, eu sou a favor. Ao gastar dinheiro viajando, você também está investindo no seu futuro.




🔔 Linking Words: Os Conectivos em Inglês⇗

🔔 Vocabulário para o TOEFL – Exercises⇗

🔔 Exercícios para o TOEFL iTP⇗




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