Vocabulário para o TOEFL – Exercícios

exercícios de inglês vocabulario para TOEFL


praticar inglês


1) Combine as palavras da primeira coluna com o seu sinônimo.

Lembre-se que sinônimos são palavras diferentes, mas com o mesmo significado.


1️⃣ task                    ???? acquire

2️⃣ objective            ???? drop

3️⃣ grow                  ???? assignment

4️⃣ fall                      ???? remain

5️⃣ stay                    ???? aim

6️⃣ get                     ???? issue

7️⃣ area                   ???? increase

8️⃣ problem             ???? field


2) Agora combine as palavras da primeira coluna com a definição mais adequada da segunda coluna.


1️⃣ enroll

2️⃣ apply

3️⃣ lecture

4️⃣ attend a class

5️⃣ scholarship

6️⃣ internship

7️⃣ elective

8️⃣ mandatory

???? money given to pay for the studies of a person

???? formal talk to a group of people; a conference

???? something that must be done

???? working to get experience in a company or hospital

???? to take part in a class

???? to request something by sending a form

???? to enter onto the official list of a class or course

???? something you can choose


3) Complete as sentenças usando o vocabulário correto para o contexto.

● resources
● available
● faculty
● appointment
  ● essay
● requirements
● resources
● academic exchange


A) The professor spent the class talking about the of the course.


B) Until friday my must be finished!


C) This is a problem for , not for staff to solve.


D) The program oppened an extra period for applications.


E) The helps the examiner to know better the student.


F) He said he would be for a meeting on Friday.


G) I still need to write about the of the research.


H) Could we make an to talk about your essay?


4) Traduza o seguinte vocabulário para o inglês:


A) enfatizar


B) envolver


C) implicar


D) característica


E) avaliar


F) impor


G) restringir


H) comprometer




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