Exercícios This e That com Respostas

exercícios de inglês this that

Ponha em pratica seus conhecimentos com estes exercícios de inglês abordando this e that!


praticar inglês


1) Complete with this or that! Attention: far (longe) and near (perto):


A) (FAR)    CLIQUE Resposta girl is my sister. 
B) (NEAR)     ??????? dog is really sick. Let’s get him out of here. 
C) (NEAR)     There are a lot of beautiful women here, but ????????? one is special!
D) (NEAR)     ??????? box is red. 
E) (FAR)     Whose pen is ????????
F) (NEAR)     Please seat here. ???????? is your chair. 
G) (NEAR)       ???????? new CD by Miley Cyrus is amazing! 
H) (NEAR /FAR)     I used to live here in ???????? city, more specifically in ?????? house right there. 
I) (NEAR)      I will not bring him to ???????? house. 
J) (NEAR)       I’m so happy right now. I’m gonna keep ???????? moment in my memory forever. 
L) (FAR)     Who’s ???????? girl? I don’t know her. 
M) (FAR)    Stop ???????! What a noisy thing to do! 


2) Complete as frases com THIS ou THAT:

a) ?????? is my cat and ?????? is my dog. (Perto/ Longe)

b) Is ?????? your old house? (Longe)

c) ?????? is my friend Julie. (Perto)

d) ?????? book is mine. (Perto)

e) Is ?????? your aunt? No, ?????? is not my aunt (Longe/Longe)

f) I do not know ?????? movie. (Perto)

g) ?????? is a box. (Perto)

h) ?????? is an orange and ?????? is an apple. (Longe/ Perto)

i) ?????? is a tree. (Longe)

j) ?????? is my ball. (Perto)


3) Complete as frases de acordo com as figuras.

a) ?????? is a my car.

figura 1





b) ?????? is my house.

figura 2





c) ?????? is my dog and ?????? is my cat.

figura 3





d) ?????? is a bus.

figura d





e) ?????? is my mom.

figura e






f) ?????? is my father.

figura f






g) ?????? is my teacher.

figura g






h) Is ?????? your backpack?

figura h





i) ?????? is a pen and ?????? is a pencil.

figura i





j) Is ?????? book yours?

figura j





4) Complete as frases de acordo com a tradução dada.

a) ?????? is my boyfriend. (Aquele é o meu namorado.)

b) ?????? is my school. (Essa é a minha escola.)

c) Is ?????? your car? (Este é o seu carro?)

d) ?????? cat is black. (Esse gato é preto.)

e) Is ?????? your new motorcicle? (Esta é a sua moto nova?) No, ?????? is my new motorcicle. (Não, aquela é a minha moto nova.)




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