7 Exercícios de Inglês A AN Indefinite Articles

exercicios de ingles a an

Os Indefinite Articles A e An equivalem aos nossos artigos indefinidos (um/uma). E, apesar de não parecer, saber a diferença entre eles é fundamental. Porém, se a palavra estiver no plural, não usaremos artigos, mas sim pronomes quantificadores .

Vamos conferir, além das explicações, exercícios de artigos indefinidos com respostas. Vale a pena ressaltar que, no inglês, os artigos não levam em consideração o gênero.


praticar inglês


1) Complete as frases utilizando o artigo a ou an


a) She has CLIQUE RESPOSTA white dog.
b) He wants ?????? piece of that cake.
c) I love to eat ?????? apple every morning.
d) She has ?????? interesting idea.
e) My dad got ?????? new job.
f) Sarah wants to be ?????? dancer.
g) I will take ?????? taxi.
h) Maria is ?????? good girl.
i) My cousin wants to be ?????? astronaut.
j) She is ?????? girl.
k) He is ?????? boy.
l) I need to buy ?????? backpack.


2) Consegue Colocar as Palavras na Ordem usando o Artigo Indefinido Certo? Exercícios A e AN


a) have / XX / I / dog / big

I have a big dog.


b) have / you / do / XX / car?


c) XX / day. / is / Today / sunny


d) in / we / live / house / XX / big


e) have / XX / idea / I / excellent


f) apple / eat / XX / I / every / day


g) is / very / XX / he / person / funny


h) interesting / book / is / XX / this


i) is / hour / XX / meeting / the / in


j) for / is / it / day / XX / beach / perfect


k) XX / there / in / is / elephant / the / room


l) in / works / XX / hospital / she / as / nurse


3) Corrija os Erros Gramaticais! Exercícios de Inglês com A e AN


a) This is a aple.

This is an apple.


b) It's a honor meet you.


c) I want be a engineer.


d) Their bought a hourglass.


e) She has an universite degree.


f) I saw a elefant at the zoo.


g) She are eating an apple to lunch.


h) We has a umbrela for the beach.


i) She is looked for a honest person.


j) He need a icecream for cool down.


k) I founded an one dollar bill on ground.


l) He found a interested book on library.


4) Reescreva preenchendo as lacunas com o artigo correto

Preste atenção ao plural: SOME 


a) I have ____ important thing to say.

I have an important thing to say.


b) Yesterday I ate _____ egg and _____ apple for breakfast.


c) Julia wants to have ____ ice-cream, Kelly wants ____ banana-split, Trevor wants ____ avocado dessert and I want ____ açaí cup.


d) Inside my bag there's ____ Iphone, ____ earphone, ____ lipstick, ____ wallet, ____ documents, and ____ cookies.


e) I know ____ girl and she has ____ friends. ____ time ago, ____ friend of mine gave me ____ advice to make ____ invitation, but I'm waiting for the best moment to do it.


5) Escreva as frases em inglês


a) Eu tenho um carro branco.

I have a white car.


b) Jones viu um pássaro amarelo.


c) Erika estuda em uma universidade.


d) Tenha um excelente dia!


e) Eu estarei lá em uma hora.


6) Ligue as colunas levando em conta os artigos


a) The elephant has a                        ( ?????? ) Brazilian boy
b) Our city has a                                 ( ?????? ) engineer
c) I met a                                             ( ?????? ) long trunk
d) Her boyfriend is an                         ( ?????? ) university
e) Do you like to be an                       ( ?????? ) insect?
f) Is she afraid of an                            ( ?????? ) animal?
g) Does he has an                              ( ?????? ) actor?


7) Complete as frases com os termos abaixo:


A – AN – A – AN – AN – A – AN – A


a) Lucy has ?????? dog.
b) Ben bought ?????? old bike.
c) It’s ?????? honor to meet ?????? smart girl like you at my home.
d) John is ?????? honest boy.
e) We have ?????? hour until the exam.
f) She is ?????? university teacher
g) He is ?????? British guy.




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