4 Exercícios How much How many Much Many

exercícios de inglês how much how many


● Much- significa muito ou muita e é utilizado com substantivos incontáveis.

● Many- significa muitos ou muitas e é utilizado com substantivos contáveis.


praticar inglês


1) Complete com many ou much:

a) ManyMuch Eggs.
b) ManyMuch Music.
c) ManyMuch Cars.
d) ManyMuch Numbers.
e) ManyMuch Money.
f) ManyMuch Tea.
g) ManyMuch Boys.
h) ManyMuch Water.


2) Complete a frase com how much ou how many:


a) water do we have in the bag?


b) cars do you have in your house?


c) potatoes do you need?


d) is that bottle of wine?


e) is it?


f) money do you have?


g) rooms are in your house?


h) books do you need to buy?


3) Organize a frase na ordem correta:


a) are / there / in the / How /cars /church / today? / many

How many cars are there in the church today?


b) time / How / do / much / you / need?


c) much / water / how / I / do / buy? / to / have


d) yesterday? / How / this bag / that / much / was / the / you / bought


e) books / do / how / many / have? / you


f) love / how / I / need / to / much / do / give you?


g) how / food / we / eat? / much / do / need / to


h) time / how / sleep? / much / did / she


4) Passe para o inglês usando how much / how many / much / many:


a) Quanto dinheiro você precisa sacar?


b) Quantas pessoas vivem em Londres?


c) Essa menina tem muitos amigos.


d) Quanta água precisamos comprar para o cachorro?


e) Eles não tem muito dinheiro.


f) Quantas canetas você tem?


g) Estive no Brasil muitas vezes.


h) Você bebe muito chá?




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