Passe de I para HE e SHE – Exercícios

exercícios de inglês i para he she

Nessa atividade é necessário que você trabalhe com o “PRESENTE SIMPLES”, onde há uma mudança na conjugação dos verbos e uso de auxiliares diferentes quando os pronomes HE e SHE estão presentes.

Portanto, os três textos estarão em primeira pessoa, representados pelo pronome “I”, e a partir do momento em que você tiver que mudar de “I” para “HE ou SHE, você deverá adaptar todas as outras mudanças que ocorrem nos verbos e nos auxiliares.

Após realizar as mudanças, clique em “CONFERIR” e analise o texto que você reescreveu e a forma correta provida pelo site. Faça a comparação e veja quantos acertos e quantos erros você obteve. Compartilhe nas redes sociais para que seus amigos façam também!

Em caso de dúvidas, leia o conteúdo teórico com bastante atenção ➔ SIMPLE PRESENT – EXPLICAÇÃO COMPLETA


praticar inglês


1) Substitua o pronome “I” pelo pronome “HE”, e corrija os erros gramaticais do texto.


I don’t knou how to deal wiht people very weel, but I try teh best to be kinde and gently. I am workimg in a drug-store and everiday I have costumars to atend. I allways work from mornning to evenning, and sometimes I have lunhc in home, sometimes I doesn’t have lunch and I eat something afterr I leave the worki. I live alone becausy I don’t have brother nor sistter, but I oftten hang out with friends. At home I espend all the time wachting tv, when I am don't playing video game. I want to does something biger, but I don’t know waht. I need to concentrat in the studies to find a beteer jobe, because I wishe to buy an car on the future.


2) Substitua o pronome “I”, pelo pronome “SHE”.


I am 17 years old and I don’t have a job, but I’m looking for one, and I am talking to people to get a chance. I live with three people, dad, grandpa and grandma. I genereally do some works in the neighborhood to get some cash. I clean the yards and gardens, I walk with people’s dogs, I go to the supermarket for people, I organize the sidewalk of the houses, I wash the car of the neighbors and many other things. I am finishing the high school and soon I get a job to help the family.


3) Substitua o pronome “I”, pelo pronome “HE”.


I am having a wonderful day today, and I like to feel happy, I smile to everybody, I wave to people, I sing in the street and I cuddle the homeless pets. I think that the life is too short to feel down, this is why I am not in a bad mood anytime. I like to make people smile and I always play with the kids. I don’t have anything better to do, I just have good vibrations to share. I go through problems, as everybody else, but I don’t let the problems make things sad. Problems are part of life, and I deal with them very well.



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