Atividades de Inglês Verb TO BE – PAST

exercícios de inglês verb to be past


praticar inglês


1) Selecione qual é a forma correta do verbo TO BE no SIMPLE PAST.


A) Thomas _______ talking to her yesterday.


B) I _______ thinking about eating a pizza tonight.


C) We _________ dancing together last Saturday night.


D) Juliana and I ________ baking the cake.


E) Your Facebook ________ already opened when I saw it.


2) Crie perguntas utilizando os PRONOMES INTERROGATIVOS, se baseando na parte destacada.



Gina was AT HOME.
Where was Gina?


A) Keila was calling to her friend AT 9:00 PM.


B) Junior was using THE COMPUTER yesterday.


C) JENNY was eating pancakes.




E) They were watching that movie FOR 2 HOURS.


3) Passe as frases para inglês:


A) Jorge não estava em casa hoje.


B) Nós estávamos certos?


C) Você não estava doente?


D) Quem estava falando com você?


E) Eu não lembro onde eles estavam.


4) Coloque as frases em ordem:


A) clean / The / very / car / was


B) not / was / father / Her / night / that / working


C) bone / the / of / because / fighting / were / dogs / Two


D) who / did / it? / you / it / Was


E) guilty? / Were / they / not


5) Utilize um bloco de notas para responder as perguntas abaixo:


a) Where were you yesterday at 10 p.m? 

b) What were you doing yesterday before you had gone to sleep? 

c) What was your last dream?



Como seu saiu no uso do verbo TO BE no passado? Além destas atividades, oferecemos muitas outras, e basta usar a caixa de pesquisa no rodapé para encontrar o tema que deseja ou escolher ao final dos artigos ou mesmo na lateral do site. O importante é sempre praticar!

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