Atividades sobre Viagens Internacionais

exercícios de inglês viagens internacionais

Quer testar o seu nível de inglês para viagens internacionais?
Faça as atividades a seguir e veja o seu desempenho.


praticar inglês


1) Translate into english. Traduza o seguinte vocabulário para o inglês:


A) Bagagem:


B) Bagagem de mão:


C) Fazer as malas:


D) Cartão de embarque:


E) Passaporte:


F) Dinheiro vivo:


G) Caixa eletrônico:


H) Portão de embarque:


I) Assento/poltrona:


J) Aeromoça:


L) Desembarque:


M) Voo:


2) Formule uma pergunta em inglês para as seguintes respostas:


A) ________________________? The flight to New York leaves at 10 pm.

What time does the flight to New York leave?


B) ________________________? Yes, the flight is delayed.


C) ________________________? The flight takes around 1 hour and 40 minutes.


D) ________________________? You can check-in right there.


E) ________________________? Your expected time of arrival is at 2 pm.


F) ________________________? I would like an aisle seat, please.


G) ________________________? I am checking just one bag.


H) ________________________? No, it’s a non-stop flight.


3) Type one of the answers. Digite uma das alternativas para as perguntas abaixo:


1. Good morning! How can I help you? _________________

a) No, here is my ID.
b) I have a reservation in the name of Sarah.
c) Thank you.
d) Here you go.


2. Could I have a wake-up call tomorrow at 7 am, please? _______________

a) Could you?
b) Yes. What is your room number, please?
c) Yes, breakfast is served between 7 am and 10 am.
d) Could I leave your bags in the room?


3. Do you have rooms available for 15th July? _______________

a) We are fully booked until 20th July.
b) I’m afraid we have.
c) Yes, we don’t.
d) How can I help you?


4. What time is the breakfast served? _______________

a) Just once a day
b) Early in the afternoon.
c) From 6 to 9 am.
d) At noon.



4) Com base no mapa abaixo, digite as respostas corretas para as perguntas:


mapa viagem


1. Where’s the hotel? ________________________

a) It’s pretty far from the church.
b) It’s near the park.
c) It’s side-to-side with the supermarket.
d) On the other side of the street.


2. Where’s the subway? ___________

a) In front of the church.
b) It’s in front of the supermarket.
c) It’s on your left.
d) Go ahead and turn right.


Now it’s your turn!


Escreva as respostas para as perguntas abaixo por extenso e compare com as nossas.
Lembre-se: existem muitas maneiras de responder a uma pergunta. O importante é que elas tenham vocabulário adequado e estejam gramaticalmente corretas.


3. How do I get from the hotel to the church?


4. How do I get from the church to the supermarket?


5. Is the subway near the supermarket?


6. Is the church far from the subway?


7. Is it possible to go on foot from the church to the subway?


8. Is it possible to go by bus from the hotel to the church?




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