4 Exercícios de Inglês Verbos no Participle

exercícios de inglês participle

Para conhecer ou revisar o conteúdo de past participle antes de fazer os exercícios, leia o nosso artigo explicativo. Lembre-se que os verbos em participle estão na famosa 3a coluna do inglês: Presente – Passado – Particípio, usados em casos como os tempos perfeitos.


praticar inglês


1) Escolha se o verbo deve estar no simple past ou no past participle nas sentenças abaixo:


a) I’ve __________ to her yesterday.


b) We __________ them at the supermarket.


c) Me and my brother have already _______ our disagreements.


d) It _________ my mind!


e) Once in my life I’ve __________ a bone.


f) We __________ good friends during high school.


g) I was drunk because of that beer I __________ at the party.


h) She __________ to Paris.


Dúvidas? Explicação sobre a matéria ⇗


2) Preencha os espaços com os verbos no simple past e no past participle:


a) TO SPEAK – Simple past e Past participle

spoke, spoken


b) TO LISTEN - Simple past e Past participle


c) TO FALL - Simple past e Past participle


d) TO FEEL - Simple past e Past participle


e) TO EAT - Simple past e Past participle


f) TO CHOOSE - Simple past e Past participle


g) TO FIND - Simple past e Past participle


h) TO LOOK- Simple past e Past participle


3) Agora é sua vez de formular uma sentença em past participle!

Use as palavras indicadas entre parênteses. Lembre-se de conjugar corretamente os verbos em participle usando o present perfect.


a) She/fall down the stairs.

She has fallen down the stairs


b) They/meet at the park.


c) I/work a lot today.


d) The cats/play together.


e) Exercise/make my mind more relaxed.


f) Work/stress me out.


g) My friends/tell me about it.


h) I/buy a new car.


4) Entre regulares (ED) e irregulares, conjugue o verbo corretamente.


a) to be – irregular



b) to begin - irregular


c) to feed - irregular


d) to dance - regular


e) to get - irregular


f) to keep - irregular


g) to think - irregular


H) to enjoy - regular




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