4 Exercícios Advérbios de Tempo em Inglês

exercícios de inglês adverbios de tempo

Que bom ter você aqui! Navegue à vontade por nossas páginas após essas atividades sobre advérbio de tempo (adverbs of time and frequency). Caso prefira estudar a lição antes de responder as questões clique aqui ⇗.


praticar inglês


1) Relacione os advérbios de tempo que são sinônimos:


1️⃣ Long ago             ???? One day

2️⃣ Nowadays           ???? Once more

3️⃣ Someday             ???? In the past

4️⃣ After                     ???? Previously

5️⃣ Again                   ???? Currently

6️⃣ Already                ???? Then

7️⃣ Often                   ???? Even now

8️⃣ Still                      ???? Frequently


2) Complete as frases com o advérbio de tempo mais adequado:



A) I am wondering about the future.


B) _______ she was at the store and ________ she went to the library.


C) He goes to the supermarket in a week.


D) We have been developing this system _________ almost five years, _______ 2015.


E) I know I will become famous.


F) They haven’t called me back .


3) Organize as frases abaixo:


A) goes / class / her / dance / she / weekly / to


B) visits / Sunday / her / mother / since / 1990, / every / she


C) teaching / has / for / 10 / been / ballet / she / years


D) in / a / she / thinks / country / while / about / moving / once / to / another


E) she / to / since / a / kid / she / dancer / wanted / was / be / a


F) pumpkin / favorite / cooked / food / at / her / times / is / all


G) month / per / goes / she / to / downtown / once


H) now / and / then / she / abroad / travels


4) Encontre a melhor definição em inglês para as seguintes expressões do português:

(lately, usually, often, just, the day before yesterday, someday, once in a while, so far)


A) De vez em quando


B) Até agora


C) Quase sempre


D) Normalmente


E) Agora pouco


F) Ultimamente


G) Anteontem


H) Algum dia




🔔 Advérbios de Tempo em Inglês⇗

🔔 Your ou Yours? Her ou Hers? Him ou His? Exercícios⇗

🔔 Your ou Yours? Her ou Hers? Him ou His?⇗



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