Continuous Tenses 4 Exercícios

exercícios de inglês continuous tenses

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praticar inglês


1) Responda as perguntas usando corretamente os continuous tenses.

continuous tenses

✔ Dicas de vocabulário:
• To play football
• To twirl the hula-hoop
• To walk the dog
• To skate
• To jump rope


A) What was the girl doing at 9 am?


B) What was the girl doing at 10 am?


C) What was the girl doing at 11 am?


D) What was the girl doing at 2 pm?


E) What is the girl doing now?


2) Complete as sentenças conjugando os verbos corretamente no present continuous.


A) She __________ (to do) so great!

She is doing so great!


B) I ________ (to travel) abroad.


C) They__________ (to look like) twins.


D) He ____________ (play) cards outside.


E) I __________ (to bake) a cake now.


F) Sorry, we can’t. We _______ (have lunch).


G) You _______ (to be) such a spoiled person.


H) It ________ (to warm) the room.


3) Responda as perguntas com base na agenda de compromissos, usando o future continuous ou o simple future quando necessário.

atividades inglês


A) What will you be doing at 8 am?

I will be having breakfast with Marta


B) What will you be doing at 9 am?


C) What will you do at 10 am?


D) What will you be doing at 11 am?


E) What will you do after the bank?


F) What will you be doing at 1 pm?


G) What will you be doing at 4 pm?


H) What will you do after your meeting?


4) Agora é sua vez de perguntar! Formule perguntas para as respostas usando corretamente o modo contínuo.


A) They are playing guitar.

What are they doing?


B) She was swimming.


C) He will be starting a meeting.


D) I was taking a bath when you called.


E) We were doing a call.


F) They were having lunch.


G) She is studying with Mary.


H) She will be graduating when you get married.




🔔 Os Tempos Contínuos⇗

🔔 Future Perfect x Simple Future – Exercícios⇗

🔔 Simple Future x Future Perfect – Diferenças⇗